Hurrah! On the 18th of November, Energy Challenges celebrated their 10th anniversary at the Feithhuis in Groningen, Netherlands. Politicians, 2IMPREZS project partners and other key players in the foundation of the Energy Challenges gathered for the celebration of the foundation’s 10th birthday. The celebration was kicked off by Ingrid Kloosterman, the current Director of the Foundation Energy Challenges and integral project partner in the Interreg North Sea Region 2IMPREZS project. As facilitator of the event, Chris Ashe (atene KOM GmbH) went on to introduce the comprehensive programme of diverse speakers, including Groningen Provincial Executive, Melissa van Hoorn, who provided an inspiring speech on the importance of the Energy Challenges in placing young people in positions of influence and respect. An energising presentation by Daniëlle Eerenberg (MAZE Subsidies) provided a detailed look into the last ten years of the Energy Challenges – and what this means for the future. Madeline Langlois (atene KOM GmbH) then presented how, with the help of European funds provided through the Interreg North Sea Region programme, the transnational 2IMPREZS partnership was able to take the Dutch concept of the Energy Challenges and spread this methodology across the North Sea Region – equating to a reduction of 7000 tonnes of carbon emissions thus far. Ms. Langlois also provided the crowd with a glimpse into the newly developed 2IMPREZS Energy Challenges digital programme, which incorporates digital tools (i.e., AR/VR technologies) to make saving energy – both at home and at school – even more engaging and exciting. Just prior to the expert panel discussion on various topics, ranging from learnings from 2IMPREZS’s energy-saving initiatives to the political intricacies of decarbonisation approaches, Marieke Abbink-Pellenbarg, Managing Director of New Energy Coalition, provided a powerful keynote speech on the immense importance of Europe’s rapid decarbonisation. The event came to a close with a networking dinner, during which politicians, educators, 2IMPREZS partners, and other relevant stakeholders celebrated the past decade of the Energy Challenges Foundation’s innovative energy-saving efforts.